SQL Masterclass

A one day Masterclass looking at SQL

James Tripp


November 25, 2021

Code on GitHub

Designing and delivering this workshop was a lot of fun. The goal was to introduce Structured Query Language. Students were provided with a containerised Linux machine so they could work with the SQL in a live environment (the Ansible playbook used can be seen here).

Two datasets were imported in the database. The first was a rather nice geospatial dataset containing the world borders. The second were world development indicators available via the world bank - superb datasource! Full details are here.

Students then (a) carried out basic SQL queries, (b) aggregated and joined data, (c) imported the data from the database into R via an SSH tunnel and RPostgreSQL to create choropleths, and (d) explored additional datasets.

Feedback from students was very good with this one. I may even have encouraged some aspiring data scientists :).